Creativity in Family Workshop sponsored by FASE

R + D + i laboratory for creativity in the familyad en la familia

At the FASE foundation and at the Institute for Resilience and Emotional Development (IRYDE) we work to develop and put at the service of society, innovative projects that positively impact family relationships, making them fun and profound at the same time

Have fun and share as a family.
Something that happens only once in a while?
A challenge that is postponed from Sunday to Sunday?

The I + D + i Laboratory (Research, Development and innovation for the family) is an initiative with which we intend to achieve innovative and effective formulas that facilitate and make harmony and creativity grow in these vital relationships. To achieve this, we need everyone’s help and the participation of those who feel encouraged by this project.

To begin with, the Fase Foundation subsidizes three exciting and innovative activities for the whole family and a fourth only for young people between 14 and 22 years old.

The first 20 families to register will participate for free.

As part of our WIN WIN philosophy, we will ask you to contribute your experiences, suggestions for improvement and other proposals, to facilitate and enrich the work of this laboratory.

In the Youth Training, the selection will be made in order of registration and the request for help will be similar to that requested for families.

The workshops will take place in:

C/ Rios Rosas 44, 1º
28003, (Madrid)

You have all the information and registration forms here